
1. 靴を脱いでお入りください
2. 飲食と喫煙はご遠慮ください
3. 館内の展示品と施設に、お手を触れないようお願いします
4. 館内でカメラと携帯電話は、マナーモードにしてください。
1. 顧及建築物承載量與安全考量,入館人數請配合館方人員管制;
2. 須脫鞋進入 *備有拖鞋
3. 禁止吸菸、飲食、喧嘩、奔跑
4. 尊重他人參觀權益,室內請勿攝影。
5. 孩童須由成人陪伴
[Regulations for Visitors]
For safety and to reduce stress on the building, the number of people allowed to enter at any one time is controlled. Maximum 20 persons are permitted on the 2nd floor. The balcony is temporarily off-limits.
Please remove your shoes upon entering. Slippers are provided at the entrance.
Smoking, noisy or disruptive behavior, eating/drinking and running are not permitted.
Please be respectful of other guests, and refrain from taking photos inside the building.
Children must be accompanied by adults at all times.
Please do not touch or damage items and furniture, or open doors and windows.
Chiang A-Hsin Mansion is a designated cultural asset, please follow the posted rules and signs.
[Important Note]
Reservations must made at least one week in advance.
Last entry is 30 minutes before closing (i.e. 11:30 and 16:30).